pypi pandera 0.6.3
0.6.3: Bugfixes, update docs

latest releases: 0.20.3, 0.20.2, 0.20.1...
3 years ago

New Features

  • add new method SchemaModel.to_yaml to serialize SchemaModels to yaml #428


  • preserve pandas extension types during validation (#443)
  • Fix to_yaml serialization dropping global checks (#428) 🎉 first contribution @antonl 🎉
  • fix empty data type not supported for serialization (#435)
  • fix empty SchemaModel (#434)
  • add doc about attributes excluded by SchemaModel (#436) @jeffzi
  • fix DataFrameSchema comparison with non-DataFrameSchema (#431) @jeffzi
  • schema serialization handles non-PandasDtype (#424)
  • pa.Object coerce should preserve object type (#423)


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