pypi paddlepaddle 2.0.1
PaddlePaddle 2.0.1

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3 years ago

2.0.1 Release Note



  • 提供了在框架外部自定义算子的新方案,简化了自定义算子写法与训练推理部署流程。
  • 支持用户选择pickle版本,在Python 3下提升模型保存效率。
  • 推理阶段支持在开启TensorRT的基础上使用NVIDIA的深度学习加速器DLA
  • Paddle Inference的C++ 和 Python 推理接口提供对昆仑 XPU的原生支持,与飞桨对XPU的训练支持能力相统一。




  • 为提高性能,roi_align 新增 aligned 参数,generate_proposals、distribute_fpn_proposals 中新增 pixel_offset 参数。
  • paddle.nn.functional.cross_entropy 支持昆仑设备下的float类型label。
  • paddle.nn.functional.softmax_with_cross_entropy 新增label错误检查和报错信息优化。
  • paddle.nn.LayerList 支持 paddle.nn.LayerList([None])


  • 增加了对for循环中含tuple作为循环变量的支持。
  • 增加对Tensor索引变量诸如x[:],x[2:], 这种不定起始或终点的支持。
  • 补齐静态图下Tensor slice左值功能,动态图使用slice后可正确动静转换。支持通过索引或切片修改 Tensor数据:支持索引类型是 Python.intTensorPython.slice;支持步长是1、大于1或者是负数;支持赋值数据类型是 Numpy.arrayTensor


  • 动态图混合精度训练支持 paddle.nn.LayerNorm,减少cast的次数,提升训练效率。


  • paddle.distributed.fleet.DistributedStrategy amp 添加pure fp16策略。
  • 新增 paddle.distributed.ProbabilityEntrypaddle.distributed.CountFilterEntry 用于稀疏参数训练。
  • 优化流水线并行通信次数。
  • 新增参数服务器模式下模型保存count/unseen_day等字段。
  • 新增参数服务器模式下稀疏参数的淘汰策略。


  • 支持用户选择pickle版本,默认pickle 版本为2。Python 3下,选择Pickle 4+版本,可以提升保存速度,突破单文件4G大小限制,但注意此时保存的模型也需要在Python3加载使用。
  • 为满足部分用户直接获取经裁剪后的推理计算图需求,正式化接口 paddle.static.normalize_program


  • paddle.abs 算子新增支持Complex64和 Complex128类型功能。


  • 实现在框架外部自定义算子的新方案,简化了自定义算子写法与使用流程,支持两种编译安装与调用方式,同时支持Linux和Window;使用新方案自定义的算子能够在动态图、静态图、动转静和推理场景中使用;具体说明请参考自定义外部算子(新)



  • 修复paddle.optimizer.AdamW的multi_precision功能,确保正则处理作用对象为FP32类型的master weights,防止收敛异常。
  • 修复激活函数ELU在输入为nan时输出也为nan的问题。
  • 修复Tensor.backward()进行梯度累加时,动态图多卡启动时的梯度计算错误。
  • 修复 paddle.nn.functional.softmax_with_cross_entropy 在处理元素个数超过2^31的 Tensor时,存在的整数溢出问题。
  • 修复 paddle.nn.Sequential 进行for遍历会发生溢出崩溃的Bug。
  • 修复动态图slice的报错信息有误的bug。
  • 修复 paddle.nn.functional.local_response_norm 在静态图及动转静中,无法使用batch_size=-1的问题。
  • 修复 paddle.nn.LayerNorm 在float64时计算错误。


  • 修复参数服务器模式下准入配置不生效的问题。
  • 修复参数服务器模式下保存的模型参数无法加载的问题。
  • 修复参数服务器模式下profiler异常的问题。
  • 修复参数服务器模式在使用超过INT32类型数据时训练异常的问题。
  • 修复参数服务器模式下无法绑定长stringIP的问题。
  • 修复分布式训练过程中LOG级别配置较低导致日志输出多的问题。
  • 修复动态图分布式中对if else控制流导致各卡参数不一致的问题。
  • 修复分布式训练FLAGS设置和单机不统一的问题。


  • 修复PaddlePaddle/models仓下,metric_learning finetune 报错的问题。
  • 修复昆仑静态图多卡调度op时缺失导致的权重不同步问题。



  • 增加了对采用per-layer方式量化的模型trt量化预测的支持。

Paddle Inference


  • 新增API paddle_infer::Config::EnableTensorRtDLA(),支持在开启TensorRT的基础上使用Nvidia的硬件加速器DLA
  • paddle-trt增加对模型输入的检查,如果输入是变长,优化相关报错信息,提示用户开启dynamic_shape。


  • 支持运行带有用户自定义算子的预测部署模型,并提供了用户文档
  • C++ 和 Python 推理接口新增对昆仑 XPU 的原生支持,用户可因此获得更完备的算子种类支持。


  • Paddle-TRT新增group_norm op支持,为solov2_r50_fpn_1x模型提供如下加速:在T4,cuda11, cudnn8.1,trt7.1.3上,相比2.0.0版本,TRT FP32推理性能由87.019ms -> 75.13ms,提升13%;TRT FP16推理性能由72.9253ms -> 44.149ms,提升65%。


  • 修复某些OP在TensorRT 7.1+版本下运行失败的问题(例如ERNIE模型的TensorRT推理)。
  • 修复Python pass_builder API 使用过程可能出错的问题。
  • jetson下由于内存资源有限,将显/内存分配策略默认设为auto_growth,解决由于资源问题导致部分模型跑不通的问题。
  • 对cudnn8.0的内存泄露问题进行了规避,保证可用性,该改动不影响到其它cudnn版本。
  • 修复预测库动态库中MakeCipher符号缺失的问题。
  • 修复mask_rcnn_r50_1x_coco动转静模型mask预测结果错误的问题。
  • 修复adaptive pooling不被oneDNN 完全支持导致的segmentation模型预测失败的问题。
  • 修复当batch_size> 1时,oneDNN下OCR模型预测得到不正确的结果的问题。
  • 修复由于relu的CPU实现错误导致 freeze_model 预测失败的问题。
  • 修复BF16中图片转二进制脚本对python3不兼容问题。



  • 将cuda9.0与cuda10.0相关镜像中的gcc4.8.2升级成gcc5.4。
  • 支持Windows用户从官网安装最新的develop版本Paddle,每天实时发包。

推理库Paddle Inference

  • 修复cuda10.2开发镜像无法编译带TensorRT的Paddle的问题,将原来powerpc架构的TensorRT7替换成x86-64架构的TensorRT6。
  • 飞桨推理库名称升级:Paddle Inference动态链接库由 更名为。

2.0.1 Release Note

Important Updates

This version fixed some function and performance issues of PaddlePaddle 2.0.0, and optimized some function. The important updates are as following:

  • The new scheme that operators can be customized outside the framework. The process of customized operators’ writing and inference deployment, is simplified.
  • supports users to choose the pickle version, which can improve the efficiency of saving models under Python 3.
  • At the stage of inference, users can apply DLA of NVIDIA while using TensorRT.
  • PaddlePaddle inference APIs of C++ and Python support XPU, which is aligned with training supported by PaddlePaddle to XPU.

Training Framework

Function Optimization


  • Add aligned in roi_align, and pixel_offset in generate_proposals、distribute_fpn_proposals to improve performance.
  • paddle.nn.functional.cross_entropy supports float type label in XPU accelerator.
  • Add label error checks and optimized error message of paddle.nn.functional.softmax_with_cross_entropy.
  • paddle.nn.LayerList supports paddle.nn.LayerList([None]) .

Dynamic Graph to Static Graph

  • Add the support of tuple as loop variable in for-loop.
  • Add Tensor support to be indexed by unspecific start and stop variables, such as x[:], x[2:].
  • Now Tensor supports slicing with lvalue in static graph. In dynamic graph, Tensor uses slicing can correctly turn into static graph. Tensor can be modified by indexing or slicing. Python.IntTensorPython.slice can be used for indexing. The stride could be 1, greater than 1 or negative. NumPy.array, Tensor types could be used as rvalue.

Mixed Precision Training

  • Mixed precision training of dynamic graph supports paddle.nn.LayerNorm , improving efficiency by reducing the number of cast.

Distributed Training Optimization

  • paddle.distributed.fleet.DistributedStrategy amp adds pure fp16 strategy.
  • paddle.distributed.ProbabilityEntry and paddle.distributed.CountFilterEntry are added for sparse parameters training.
  • Optimized the number of communications in parallel pipeline.
  • In parameter server mode, fields like count/unseen_day could be saved into model.
  • Add the elimination strategy of sparse parameters in parameter server mode.

Model Saving and Loading

  • and allow users to select the pickle version, and the default version is 2. For Python 3, users can choose Pickle version 4+. In this way, saving speed could be increased and single file could over 4G. But, please notice that models saved this way must be loaded and used under Python 3.
  • Add paddle.static.normalize_program to obtain the pruned computation graph.

Complex Number Operation

  • paddle.abs supports Complex64 and Complex128 types.

Customized Operator

  • Offered the new scheme of custom operators outside the framework, simplify the writing and using process of custom operators, support two installation and calling methods, and support Linux and Window at the same time; custom operators by using the new scheme can be used in dynamic graphs, static graphs, dynamic-to-static and inference scenarios; for specific instructions, please refer to the file: Customizing External Operators.

Distributed Training

  • Fixed Entry Config has no effect issue in parameter server mode.
  • Fixed the saved parameters could not be loaded issue in parameter server mode.
  • Fixed Profiler abnormal issue in parameter server mode.
  • Fixed training abnormal issue when data type category is higher than INT32 in parameter server mode.
  • Fixed long stringIP cannot be bounded issue in parameter server mode.
  • Fixed the issue of too much log outputs issue, in distributed training caused by lower level LOG config.
  • Fixed the issue of inconsistent parameters of each devices, when if else control flow is used in dynamic graph distributed training.
  • Fixed the issue that FLAGS setting of multi-host distributed training is not consistent with single host distributed training.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed the muti_precision function of paddle.optimizer.AdamW to ensure the master weights in FP32 type, which are regularized, in order to prevent possible diverge.
  • Fixed the issue when the input of paddle.nn.ELU is nan, the output is nan.
  • Fixed gradient calculation error of using Tensor.backward() for gradient accumulation, in dynamic graph mulit-card training.
  • Fixed the integer overflow issue when paddle.nn.functional.softmax_with_cross_entropy processes a Tensor with over 2^31 elements.
  • Fixed crash bug during the for-loop traversal of paddle.nn.Sequential.
  • Fixed Wrong error message of dynamic graph slicing.
  • Fixed the issue that batch_size=-1 cannot be used, when paddle.nn.functional.local_response_norm is used in static graph or dynamic graph to static graph converting.
  • Fixed paddle.nn.LayerNorm computation error when data type is float64.


  • Fixed the error message of metric_learning finetune under PaddlePaddle/models.
  • Fixed weight asynchrony issue caused by lack of operators, when XPU's static graph multi-card is used.

Inference Deployment

Model Quantification

  • Support the quantification inference of TRT, which uses per-layer to quantize.

Paddle Inference


  • Add API— paddle_infer::Config::EnableTensorRtDLA(). At the stage of inference, users can apply DLA of NVIDIA while using TensorRT.
  • Paddle-TRT will check inputs of model, If input shape is variant, the error messages are optimized and Paddle-TRT will hint users to use dynamic_shape.

Function Upgrades

  • Support inference and deployment models that have the operators customized by users, and provide User Documentation.
  • PaddlePaddle inference APIs of C++ and Python support XPU, which is aligned with training supported by PaddlePaddle to XPU.

Performance Optimization

  • Paddle-TRT supports group_norm op, and speed up solov2_r50_fpn_1x as following: compared with TRT v2.0.0, on T4, CUDA11, cuDNN8.1 and TRT7.1.3, the performance of TRT FP32 improves by 13%, from 87.019ms to 75.13ms, and the performance of TRT FP16 improves by 65%, from 72.9253ms to 44.149ms.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix some operator problems in TensorRT v7.1+, like TensorRT’s inference of ERNIE.
  • Fix some issues of using Python pass_builder API.
  • Due to limited memory of Jetson, auto_growth is regarded as default distribution policy of memory, tackling problems that some models cannot run with limited memory.
  • Avoid the problem of cuDNN8.0’s memory leaks to ensure the availability, and this will not influence other versions of cuDNN.
  • Fixed MakeCipher’s symbol absence issue in inference dynamic library.
  • Fixed wrong predicting results issue of mask_rcnn_r50_1x_coco model when this static graph model is converted from dynamic graph.
  • Fixed the inference failure of the segmentation models, caused by adaptive pooling is not fully supported by oneDNN,
  • Fixed the issue that oneDNN’s OCR model inference will be incorrect when batch_size>1.
  • Fixed freeze_model inference failure due to ReLU CPU’s implementation error.
  • Fixed the incompatibility issue that BF16’s images cannot change into binary script for Python3.

Environment Adaptation

Training Framework

  • Upgrade the GCC from V4.8.2 to V5.4 in Paddle docker images of CUDA9.0 and CUDA10.0
  • Add the Windows Paddle develop version wheel package. Windows users now can run pip --pre for installation.

Paddle Inference

  • Fixed the problem that develop docker image cannot compile with TensorRT, and replace TensorRT7 of powerpc architecture with TensorRT6 of x86-64 architecture.
  • Upgrade the name of Paddle Inference library: the name of dynamic link library changes from to

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