pypi opt-einsum 2.0.0

latest releases: 3.3.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.0...
6 years ago

opt_einsum is a powerful tensor contraction order optimizer for NumPy and related ecosystems.

New Features

  • Expressions can be precompiled so that the expression optimization need not happen multiple times.
  • The greedy order optimization algorithm has been tuned to be able to handle hundreds of tensors in several seconds.
  • Input indices can now be unicode so that expressions can have many thousands of indices.
  • GPU and distributed computing backends have been added such as Dask, TensorFlow, CUPy, Theano, and Sparse.

Bug Fixes

  • A error effecting cases where opt_einsum mistook broadcasting operations for matrix multiply has been fixed.
  • Most error messages are now more expressive.

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