pypi onnx 1.14.0

latest releases: 1.16.1, 1.16.0, 1.15.0...
13 months ago

ONNX v1.14.0 is now available with exciting new features! We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this release! Please visit to learn more about ONNX and associated projects.

Opset 19 is released

New operators

DeformConv added in #4783

Operator extensions

Equal - Support for string data type added in #4828
AveragePool - New attribute dilations #4790
Pad - Added new wrap to the mode attribute to support circular padding #4793
Resize - Added half_pixel_symmetric to the coordinate_transformation_mode attribute #4862

IR updates (bump to 9)

  • Support attributes with default values: #4911
  • Added 4 new 8-bit floating point data types: #4805

Backend tests

Replaced real models with light models in backend tests. #4861 #4960

Support Protobuf v21

Now ONNX supports Protobuf v21: #4956

Deprecation notice

  • Python 3.7 support will be deprecated due to EOL in next release: #5191
  • onnx-weekly package will be deprecated in TestPyPI. Please use them from PyPI instead: #4930
  • Properties in FormalParameter will be deprecated in future release. Please use newer properties name: #5074
  • Variables from will be deprecated and become private implementation details. Please use public functions to get corresponding types from instead: #4554

Installation notice

You can upgrade to the latest release using pip install onnx --upgrade or build from source following the README instructions.


Thanks to these individuals for their contributions in this release since last 1.13.0 release: @jcwchen, @andife, @gramalingam, @xadupre, @justinchuby, @liqunfu, @yuanyao-nv, @jbachurski, @p-wysocki, @prasanthpul, @jantonguirao, @take-cheeze, @smk2007, @AlexandreEichenberger, @snnn, @daquexian, @linkerzhang.

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