pypi nicegui 1.3.0

latest releases: 2.9.1, 2.9.0, 2.8.1...
18 months ago

New features and improvements



  • Add demo for removing default padding with ui.query selector (#1120 by @rodja)

Breaking changes and migration guide

Generic event registration with .on()

The argument passed to the event handler is now of type GenericEventArguments. So instead of

grid.on('cellClicked', lambda msg: ui.label(f'{msg["args"]["data"]["name"]} has been clicked!'))

we access the event arguments like this:

grid.on('cellClicked', lambda e: ui.label(f'{e.args["data"]["name"]} has been clicked!'))

See for more information.

Custom Vue components and JavaScript libraries

We radically simplified the API to register custom components and external libraries.
Now you can pass the location of the component and additional libraries as parameter to the derived class:

class CustomElement(ui.element, component='custom_element.js', libraries=['lib/some-library.min.js']):

Note that you don't have to pass a tag to the base initializer. It will be set automatically.
Besides libraries you can specify exposed_libraries (will be added to importmaps) and extra_libraries (will be registered but not automatically requested by that element).
All library parameters support absolute and relative paths (relative to the Python file), either as str or as Path, and support globbing.

Exclude parameter

The exclude parameter of is gone.
Due to NiceGUI's new dynamic dependency management there is no need to explicitly exclude individual elements.

Python 3.7

With NiceGUI 1.3 we drop support for Python 3.7, which had its end of life on June 27, 2023.

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