pypi multidict 6.0.0

latest releases: 6.0.5, 6.0.4, 6.0.3...
2 years ago


  • Use METH_FASTCALL where it makes sense.

    MultiDict.add() is 2.2 times faster now, CIMultiDict.add() is 1.5 times faster.
    The same boost is applied to get*(), setdefault(), and pop*() methods. ((#681))


  • Fixed type annotations for keys of multidict mapping classes. ((#644))
  • Support Multidict[int] for pure-python version.
    __class_getitem__ is already provided by C Extension, making it work with the pure-extension too. ((#678))

Deprecations and Removals

  • Dropped Python 3.6 support ((#680))


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