pypi lifelines 0.24.11

latest releases: 0.28.0, 0.27.8, 0.27.7...
4 years ago

0.24.11 - 2020-06-17

New features
  • new spline regression model CRCSplineFitter based on the paper "A flexible parametric accelerated failure time model" by Michael J. Crowther, Patrick Royston, Mark Clements.
  • new survival probability calibration tool lifelines.calibration.survival_probability_calibration to help validate regression models. Based on “Graphical calibration curves and the integrated calibration index (ICI) for survival models” by P. Austin, F. Harrell, and D. van Klaveren.
API Changes
  • (and bug fix) scalar parameters in regression models were not being penalized by penalizer - we now penalizing everything except intercept terms in linear relationships.

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