pypi jupytext 1.14.7
Version 1.14.7

latest releases: 1.16.2, 1.16.1, 1.16.0...
12 months ago


  • We have updated the GitHub workflows - thanks to Matthew Feickert and to Cristian Le for their help on this subject (#1037)
  • We have removed the upper bound on markdown-it-py<3. Now we test Jupytext with markdown-it-py in versions 2.x and 3.x on the CI (#1075)


  • Notebooks with an empty YAML header work (#1070)
  • Double quote strings in R Markdown options can contain single quotes (#1079)
  • The necessary directories are created when paired notebooks are moved to a sub-folder (#1059)
  • Commented quotes are recognized as such (#1060)
  • Jupytext can use either pkg_resources or packaging to parse version numbers (#1085)

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