pypi jupytext 1.11.4
Version 1.11.4

latest releases: 1.16.7, 1.16.6, 1.16.5...
3 years ago


  • The documentation illustrates how the cell_markers option (and the other ones) can be set directly in the jupytext.toml config file (#809).
  • The dependency on mdit-py-plugins through markdown-it-py[plugins] was made explicit (#814)


  • System assigns of the form var = !cmd are commented out (#816)
  • Fixed an InconsistentPath issue with notebooks paired with scripts in a folder. The prefix in the Jupytext formats always use /, while paths might use either / or \ (#806)
  • Tests that cannot succeed are skipped when either the Jupytext folder is not a git repository, when sphinx-gallery is too recent, or when pandoc is not up-to-date (#814)
  • Removed the mention of '--update' in 'jupytext --pipe' since outputs are preserved already

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