pypi junos-eznc 2.5.4
Release 2.5.4

latest releases: 2.7.1, 2.7.0, 2.6.8...
3 years ago

Features Added

  • cRPD model check to be added for on-box junos #1084

Bugs Fixed

  • support use-fast-diff in diff/pdff function #1088
  • Zeroize handling modified for scenario where only warning is returned in the rpc-reply #1087
  • ntc_template and textfsm module's installation made optional and to be done explicitly if one want to use PyEZ table/view for other vendors cli o/p parsing. #1085
  • Checksum algorithm argument to be passed during remote checksum in software installation. #1083
  • docstring initialized with empty string as it becomes empty if optimization flag is added. #1081

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