pypi intel-extension-for-tensorflow
Intel® Extension for TensorFlow*

19 hours ago

Features and Improvements

Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* extends the official TensorFlow capabilities, allowing TensorFlow workloads to run on Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series. This release includes the following features and improvements:

  • Toolkit Support: Supports Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit (version 2025.0.1)

  • Updated Support: The Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* has been upgraded to support oneDNN v3.6.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes page fault issues in TruncatedMod and UniqueOp discovered by stricter checks for memory access.
  • Fixes missing under the Intel® Extension for TensorFlow* library path when installing previously released xpu wheels.
  • Fixes build issues with GCC14.
  • Fixes build issues related to oneDNN upgrade.
  • Fixes issues related to oneAPI DPC++ Compiler upgrade
  • Fixes build and linking issues originating from crosstool_wrapper_driver.tpl

What's Changed

  • XeTLA patch is updated to support the latest Intel® oneAPI DPC++ Compiler
  • SYCL Shuffle API has been updated
  • traceme_encode.h is updated to avoid potential compile warnings
  • Code is refactored to avoid potential nested queue submit issues.


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