icclim v6.1.2 brings new ECAD wind indices as well as new humidity-based indices.
- ECAD wind indices were added: fxx, fg6bft, fgcalm, fg, ddnorth, ddeast, ddsouth, ddwest. Also, ddnorth and ddsouth were added but do not follow the ECAD's ATBD v11 requirements as their definition seems to be wrong in the document.[0]
- Added ECAD's indices GSL, SPI3, SPI6.
- Added documentation for generic indicators stand-alone functions.
- Added a recipe "how to" documentation for generic indicators.
Internal changes
- Added generic indicators as stand-alone functions in icclim namespace.
- Upgraded to xclim 0.39.0
[0] ATBD: https://knmi-ecad-assets-prd.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/atbd.pdf