pypi huggingface-hub 0.0.9
v0.0.9: HTTP File uploads, multiple filter model selection

latest releases: 0.23.0rc1, 0.23.0rc0, 0.22.2...
2 years ago

v0.0.9: HTTP file uploads, multiple filter model selection

Support for large file uploads

Implementation of an endpoint to programmatically upload (large) files to any repo on the hub, without the need for git, using HTTP POST requests.

The HfApi.model_list method now allows multiple filters

Models may now be filtered using several filters:

                Example usage:

                    >>> from huggingface_hub import HfApi
                    >>> api = HfApi()

                    >>> # List all models
                    >>> api.list_models()

                    >>> # List only the text classification models
                    >>> api.list_models(filter="text-classification")

                    >>> # List only the russian models compatible with pytorch
                    >>> api.list_models(filter=("ru", "pytorch"))

                    >>> # List only the models trained on the "common_voice" dataset
                    >>> api.list_models(filter="dataset:common_voice")

                    >>> # List only the models from the AllenNLP library
                    >>> api.list_models(filter="allennlp")

ModelInfo now has a readable representation

Improvement of the ModelInfo class so that it displays information about the object.

Improvements and bugfixes

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