- Don't allow creating backups if Home Assistant is not running (@emontnemery - #139499) (backup docs)
- Bump govee_ble to 0.43.1 (@moosilauke18 - #139862) (govee_ble docs) (dependency)
- Label emergency heat switch (@jrhillery - #139872) (nexia docs)
- Bump sense-energy lib to 0.13.7 (@kbickar - #140068) (sense docs) (emulated_kasa docs) (dependency)
- Update jinja to 3.1.6 (@frenck - #140069) (dependency)
- Update evohome-async to 1.0.3 (@zxdavb - #140083) (evohome docs) (dependency)
- Fix HEOS discovery error when previously ignored (@andrewsayre - #140091) (heos docs)
- Map prewash job state in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140097) (smartthings docs)
- Check support for thermostat operating state in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140103) (smartthings docs)
- Handle None options in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140110) (smartthings docs)
- Fix MQTT JSON light not reporting color temp status if color is not supported (@jbouwh - #140113) (mqtt docs)
- Fix HEOS user initiated setup when discovery is waiting confirmation (@andrewsayre - #140119) (heos docs)
- Support null supported Thermostat modes in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140101) (smartthings docs)
- Set device class for Oven Completion time in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140139) (smartthings docs)
- Revert "Check if the unit of measurement is valid before creating the entity" (@jbouwh - #140155) (mqtt docs)
- Fix the order of the group members attribute of the Music Assistant integration (@msm595 - #140204) (music_assistant docs)
- Fix events without user in Bring integration (@tr4nt0r - #140213) (bring docs)
- Log broad exception in Electricity Maps config flow (@jpbede - #140219) (co2signal docs)
- Bump evohome-async to 1.0.4 to fix #140194 (@zxdavb - #140230) (evohome docs) (dependency)
- Refresh Home Connect token during config entry setup (@Diegorro98 - #140233) (home_connect docs)
- Add 900 RPM option to washer spin speed options at Home Connect (@Diegorro98 - #140234) (home_connect docs)
- Fix todo tool broken with Gemini 2.0 models. (@Lash-L - #140246) (google_generative_ai_conversation docs)
- Fix version not always available in onewire (@epenet - #140260) (onewire docs)
- Fix
not generated when connecting to the MQTT broker (@jbouwh - #140264) (mqtt docs) - Bump velbusaio to 2025.3.0 (@cereal2nd - #140267) (velbus docs) (dependency)
- Fix dryer operating state in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140277) (smartthings docs)
- FGLair : Upgrade to ayla-iot-unofficial 1.4.7 (@crevetor - #140296) (fujitsu_fglair docs) (dependency)
- Bump pyheos to v1.0.3 (@andrewsayre - #140310) (heos docs) (dependency)
- Bump ZHA to 0.0.52 (@puddly - #140325) (zha docs) (dependency)
- Bump pydrawise to 2025.3.0 (@dknowles2 - #140330) (hydrawise docs)
- Bump teslemetry-stream (@Bre77 - #140335) (teslemetry docs) (dependency)
- Fix no temperature unit in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140363) (smartthings docs)
- Fix double space quoting in WebDAV (@jpbede - #140364) (webdav docs) (dependency)
- Bump python-roborock to 2.12.2 (@Lash-L - #140368) (roborock docs) (dependency)
- Handle incomplete power consumption reports in SmartThings (@joostlek - #140370) (smartthings docs)
- Fix browsing Audible Favorites in Sonos (@PeteRager - #140378) (sonos docs)
- Make sure SmartThings light can deal with unknown states (@joostlek - #140190) (smartthings docs)
- Delete subscription on shutdown of SmartThings (@joostlek - #140135) (smartthings docs)