- Ensure metoffice daily are returned once daily (@gordallott - #72440) (metoffice docs)
- Fix thumbnail issues in Twitch integration (@bergdahl - #72564) (twitch docs)
- Bump aiobafi6 to 0.6.0 to fix logging performance (@jfroy - #73517) (baf docs) (dependency)
- Use IP address instead of hostname in Brother integration (@bieniu - #73556) (brother docs)
- Bump growattServer to 1.2.2 (@muppet3000 - #73561) (growatt_server docs) (dependency)
- Handle offline generators in oncue (@bdraco - #73568) (oncue docs)
- Don't attempt to reload MQTT device tracker (@emontnemery - #73577) (mqtt docs)
- Fix handling of illegal dates in onvif sensor (@emontnemery - #73600) (onvif docs)
- Fix voltage and current values for Fritz!DECT smart plugs (@mib1185 - #73608) (fritzbox docs)
- Fix MQTT config schema to ensure correct validation (@jbouwh - #73619) (mqtt docs)
- Fix calling permanent off with nexia (@bdraco - #73623) (nexia docs) (dependency)
- Don't verify ssl certificates for ssdp/upnp devices (@StevenLooman - #73647) (upnp docs) (ssdp docs)
- Retry on SenseAPIException during sense config entry setup (@bdraco - #73651) (sense docs)
- Fix AmbiClimate services definition (@maxgashkov - #73668) (ambiclimate docs)
- Update aiomusiccast (@micha91 - #73694) (yamaha_musiccast docs) (dependency)
- Fix CSRF token for UniFi (@Kane610 - #73716) (unifi docs)
- Insteon bug fixes (@teharris1 - #73791) (insteon docs)
- Fix Plugwise migration error (@frenck - #73812) (plugwise docs)