pypi grpcio-tools 1.46.0
Release v1.46.0

latest releases: 1.66.2, 1.67.0rc1, 1.66.1...
2 years ago

This is release 1.46.0 (golazo) of gRPC Core.

For gRPC documentation, see For previous releases, see Releases.

This release contains refinements, improvements, and bug fixes, with highlights listed below.


gRPC C++ 1.46 will be the last release supporting C++11, future releases will require C++ >= 14. We plan to backport critical (P0) bugs and security fixes to this release for a year, that is, until 2023-06-01. This change won't bump the major version of gRPC since this doesn't introduce API changes. Hence, the next version requiring C++14 will be 1.47 (context).


  • Ignore Connection Aborted errors on accept. (#29318)
  • Filter content-length metadata from the application. (#29295)
  • RetryFilter: Cleanup pending byte stream. (#29245)
  • HTTP Proxy: Ignore empty entry in no_proxy list. (#29217)
  • Adding http/1.1 support in httpcli. (#29238)
  • HTTP2: Initiate write for acknowledging SETTINGS frame. (#29218)
  • Change the unsupported polling strategy log for forking to GPR_INFO. (#29232)
  • Handle SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE error. (#29176)
  • TCP Async Connect: Fix Heap use-after-free. (#29209)
  • HTTP2: Add graceful goaway. (#29050)
  • Remove epollex poller. (#29160)
  • TlsCredentials: Comparator implementation. (#28940)
  • Decrease verbosity of alts handshaker logs which can happen during cancellation. (#29058)
  • HTTP2: Should not run cancelling logic on servers when receiving GOAWAY. (#29067)
  • HTTP2: Don't throttle pings from the server. (#29053)
  • Include ADS stream error in XDS error updates. (#29014)
  • Remove idempotent/cacheable requests. (#28922)


  • Add bazel cpp distribtest for grpc_cc_library. (#29175)


  • Add support for grpc-dotnet in GKE benchmarks. (#28975)
  • Sync unary call after shutdown: Add a repro and fix for #19090 . (#23003)
  • Remove C# Legacy (a.k.a. "Classic") csproj example. (#29102)


  • Add Python GCF Distribtest. (#29303)
  • Add Python Reflection Client. (#29085)
  • Revert "Fix prefork handler register's default behavior". (#29229)
  • Fix prefork handler register's default behavior. (#29103)
  • Fix fetching CXX variable in (#28873)


  • Support pre-built binaries for Ruby 3.1. (#29000)
  • Make sure to always receive initial metadata in ruby. (#29155)

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