pypi grpcio-tools 1.4.0
Release 1.4.0

latest releases: 1.66.2, 1.67.0rc1, 1.66.1...
7 years ago

Release 1.4

Please see the notes for the previous releases here: Also please see for all information regarding this product.

This is the 1.4 release of gRPC


  • Bug fix in Cronet transport (#10958)
  • Server backward compatibility management (#10849)


  • Server backward compatibility management (#11118)


  • Server-side authentication context (issue 7710, pull request 10993)
  • The Beta API will be removed in the next release. This covers all APIs under grpc.beta and grpc.framework.


  • Fixes a breakage of compatibility with glibc < 2.15 which occurred in the 1.3.4 release, (info in issue #11346)


  • Composer dependency change (#11173): we decoupled the google/protobuf package dependency. Please either explicitly add google/protobuf to your composer.json file or install the "protobuf" PECL extension for better performance.
  • Experimental Windows support (#8161): users can now download pre-compiled DLL on the PECL package page:
  • Fixed memory leaks (#9559, #10996)
  • Fixed gRPC extension reported version (#10842)
  • Fixed Protoc plugin comment escape issue (#11025)


  • Fix memory leaks in C# native code (#11436)
  • Better reporting of failure to bind server ports when starting a server (#11353)
  • Performance Improvements


  • Supports parsing responses in a user-specified dispatch queue
  • Fixed a memory leak problem (#11567)

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