🚀 Features
- f7c4718 (cache) only create/update cache if there are new entries
- 2bd8013 (release) add .pyz support through shiv. implements #109
🐛 Bug fixes
- 0c6857e (release) fix release notary not finding the latest release
🔧 Chores and Improvements
- f71d5b1 (release) 1.10.6
- 27e0b3c (deps) update hooks and dev deps
- d8ee302 (workflow) update jobs to push ggshield formula on both gitguardian's tap
📦 Other
Update jobs to push ggshield formula on both GitGuardian's taps
🔧 Chores and Improvements
- 4b62880 (release) 1.10.7