pypi fpdf2 2.7.4
Images can now be embedded as CMYK - Docs for using Pygal & FastAPI - Various bugfixes

latest releases: 2.8.1, 2.7.9, 2.7.8...
17 months ago



  • FPDF.table(): images no more overflow cells
  • FPDF.table(): text overflow in the last cell of the header row is now properly handled
  • FPDF.table(): when align="RIGHT" is provided, the page right margin is now properly taken in consideration


  • FPDF.write_html() does not render the top row as a header, in bold with a line below, when no <th> are used, in order to be more backward-compatible with earlier versions of fpdf2 - cf. #740


  • the split_only optional parameter of FPDF.multi_cell(), which is replaced by two new distincts optional parameters: dry_run & output

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