pypi fpdf2 2.3.1
Polygons, accessibility & structure tree

latest releases: 2.8.1, 2.7.9, 2.7.8...
3 years ago


  • FPDF.polyline & FPDF.polygon : new methods added by @uovodikiwi - thanks!
  • FPDF.set_margin : new method to set the document right, left, top & bottom margins to the same value at once
  • FPDF.image now accepts new optional title & alt_text parameters defining the image title
    and alternative text describing it, for accessibility purposes
  • now honor its alt_text optional parameter and this alternative text describing links
    is now properly included in the resulting PDF document
  • the document language can be set using FPDF.set_lang


  • FPDF.unbreakable so that no extra page jump is performed when FPDF.multi_cell is called inside this context


  • fpdf.FPDF_CACHE_MODE & fpdf.FPDF_CACHE_DIR in favor of a configurable new font_cache_dir optional argument of the fpdf.FPDF constructor

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