See examples/
- Updated Swagger UI 3.x
- uiversion now defaults to 3
- 'hide_top_bar' config option to remove the green top bar
- 'fotter_text' added to customize the footer text (allows html and <script>)
- templates/flasgger/footer.html added and can be replaced to customization
this footer.html is the right place for custom <script> - 'top_text' added to customize the header text (allows html)
- templates/flasgger/top.html added and can be replaced to customization
- 'head_text' added to customize the (allows html)
- templates/flasgger/head.html added and can be replaced to customization
- added 'doc_expansion' config to control the collapse
- added 'ui_params' to allow override of any swagger.ui values
- break index templates into individual customizable templates
- schemes pulled from config if present