Breaking Changes
Bug Fixes
- fix(fcm): Passing params as keyword arguments to googleapiclient (#414)
- fix(fcm): Convert event_time to UTC (#403)
- fix: Setting a default timeout on all HTTP connections (#397)
- [chore] Release 4.0.0 (#415)
- chore: Implementing Pypi publish and Tweet steps (#410)
- Updated release trigger mechanisms (#409)
- chore: Making the separation between staging and publishing explicit (#407)
- chore: Running integration tests in release workflow (#406)
- chore: Installing wheel package during build staging (#405)
- chore: Experimental GitHub Actions based workflow for publishing releases (#402)
- Removing universal flag from binary dist configuration (#404)
- Defined linter as a separate job (#398)
- Fix send_all & send_multicast snippet comment to match implementation (#376)
- chore: Dropped the dependency on six (#385)
- Speeding up the HTTPClient tests by reusing the test server instance (#387)
- Create a GitHub Actions based CI Pipeline (#386)
- Upgraded to pylint 2.x (#384)
- Upgraded cachecontrol to latest (#378)