pypi firebase-admin 3.0.0
Firebase Admin Python SDK v3.0.0

latest releases: 6.5.0, 6.4.0, 6.3.0...
4 years ago

Note: This is a major release with breaking changes. Refer to the migration guide for details on how to port your code to the new API.

  • [Changed] Python 2.7 support is now deprecated. Developers are advised to use Python 3.4 or higher to run the Admin SDK.
  • [Changed] Removed old module-level exception types auth.AuthError, db.ApiCallError, messaging.ApiCallError, instance_id.ApiCallError and project_management.ApiCallError.
  • [Changed] Added a new exceptions module that defines base exception types for the entire SDK. Public APIs now raise exceptions defined in the new exceptions module (or subtypes of them). This facilitates implementing fine-grained error handling logic for a wide range of scenarios that was not supported before. See the migration guide for instructions on how to port your existing error handling code.
  • [Fixed] Upgraded google-cloud-firestore dependency version to to 1.14.0.
  • [Fixed] Upgraded google-cloud-storage dependency version to 1.18.0.

Project Management

  • [Changed] IosApp, IosAppMetadata and ShaCertificate types in the project_management module have been renamed to IOSApp, IOSAppMetadata and SHACertificate respectively.


  • [Changed] It is no longer possible to delete user properties with the update_user() API by setting properties to None. Setting properties to None leaves those properties unchanged. They must be explicitly set to auth.DELETE_ATTRIBUTE to delete them.

Cloud Messaging

  • [Feature] Added support for sending an image URL in notifications. Thanks cchamm for the contribution.
  • [Changed] The deprecated WebpushFcmOptions type has been removed. Developers must use the PEP8 compliant type name WebpushFCMOptions instead.

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