pypi faster-whisper 0.6.0
faster-whisper 0.6.0

latest releases: 1.0.2, 1.0.1, 0.10.1...
11 months ago

Extend TranscriptionInfo with additional properties

  • all_language_probs: the probability of each language (only set when language=None)
  • vad_options: the VAD options that were used for this transcription

Improve robustness on temporary connection issues to the Hugging Face Hub

When the model is loaded from its name like WhisperModel("large-v2"), a request is made to the Hugging Face Hub to check if some files should be downloaded.

It can happen that this request raises an exception: the Hugging Face Hub is down, the internet is temporarily disconnected, etc. These types of exception are now catched and the library will try to directly load the model from the local cache if it exists.

Other changes

  • Enable the onnxruntime dependency for Python 3.11 as the latest version now provides binary wheels for Python 3.11
  • Fix occasional IndexError on empty segments when using word_timestamps=True
  • Export __version__ at the module level
  • Include missing requirement files in the released source distribution

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