pypi fastapi 0.70.0

latest releases: 0.115.4, 0.115.3, 0.115.2...
3 years ago

This release just upgrades Starlette to the latest version, 0.16.0, which includes several bug fixes and some small breaking changes.

These last three consecutive releases are independent so that you can migrate gradually:

  • First to FastAPI 0.68.2, with no breaking changes, but upgrading all the sub-dependencies.
  • Next to FastAPI 0.69.0, which upgrades Starlette to 0.15.0, with AnyIO support, and a higher chance of having breaking changes in your code.
  • Finally to FastAPI 0.70.0, just upgrading Starlette to the latest version 0.16.0 with additional bug fixes.

This way, in case there was a breaking change for your code in one of the releases, you can still benefit from the previous upgrades. ✨

Breaking Changes - Upgrade

Also upgrades the ranges of optional dependencies:

  • "jinja2 >=2.11.2,<4.0.0"
  • "itsdangerous >=1.1.0,<3.0.0"

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