pypi fastai 2.3.1

latest releases: 2.7.15, 2.7.14, 2.7.13...
3 years ago

New Features

  • Add support for pytorch 1.8 (#3349)
  • Add support for spacy3 (#3348)
  • Add support for Windows. Big thanks to Microsoft for many contributions to get this working
  • Timedistributed layer and Image Sequence Tutorial (#3124), thanks to @tcapelle
  • Add interactive run logging to AzureMLCallback (#3341), thanks to @yijinlee
  • Batch support for more than one image (#3339)
  • Have interp use ds_idx, add tests (#3332), thanks to @muellerzr
  • Automatically have fastai determine the right device, even with torch DataLoaders (#3330), thanks to @muellerzr
  • Add at_end feature to SaveModelCallback (#3296), thanks to @tmabraham
  • Improve inplace params in Tabular's new and allow for new and test_dl to be in place (#3292), thanks to @muellerzr
  • Update VSCode & Codespaces dev container (#3280), thanks to @bamurtaugh
  • Add max_scale param to RandomResizedCrop(GPU) (#3252), thanks to @kai-tub
  • Increase testing granularity for speedup (#3242), thanks to @ddobrinskiy

Bugs Squashed

  • Make TTA turn shuffle and drop_last off when using ds_idx (#3347), thanks to @muellerzr
  • Add order to TrackerCallback derived classes (#3346), thanks to @muellerzr
  • Prevent schedule from crashing close to the end of training (#3335), thanks to @Lewington-pitsos
  • Fix ability to use raw pytorch DataLoaders (#3328), thanks to @hamelsmu
  • Fix PixelShuffle_icnr weight (#3322), thanks to @pratX
  • Creation of new DataLoader in Learner.get_preds has wrong keyword (#3316), thanks to @tcapelle
  • Correct layers order in tabular learner (#3314), thanks to @gradientsky
  • Fix vmin parameter default (#3305), thanks to @tcapelle
  • Ensure call to one_batch places data on the right device (#3298), thanks to @tcapelle
  • Fix Cutmix Augmentation (#3259), thanks to @MrRobot2211
  • Fix custom tokenizers for DataLoaders (#3256), thanks to @iskode
  • fix error setting 'tok_tfm' parameter in TextDataloaders.from_folder
  • Fix lighting augmentation (#3255), thanks to @kai-tub
  • Fix CUDA variable serialization (#3253), thanks to @mszhanyi
  • change batch tfms to have the correct dimensionality (#3251), thanks to @trdvangraft
  • Ensure add_datepart adds elapsed as numeric column (#3230), thanks to @aberres

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