pypi fastai 2.1.7

latest releases: 2.7.18, 2.7.17, 2.7.16...
4 years ago


New Features

  • Pytorch 1.7 subclassing support (#2769)

Bugs Squashed

  • unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'TensorCategory' and 'TensorText' when using AWD_LSTM for text classification (#3027)
  • UserWarning when using SaveModelCallback() on after_epoch (#3025)
  • Segmentation error: no implementation found for 'torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy' on types that implement torch_function (#3022)
  • TextDataLoaders.from_df() returns TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable (#2978)
  • Internal assert error in awd_qrnn (#2967)

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