pypi dropbox 9.5.0

latest releases: 12.0.2, 12.0.1, 12.0.0...
4 years ago

Files Namespace:
- Update comments on FileLockMetadata struct
- Add optional lockholder_account_id to FileLockMetadata struct
- Add optional invalid_argument to SearchError union
- Add get_thumbnail:2 route
- Add ThumbnailV2Error union
- Add MinimalFileLinkMetadata struct
- Add PreviewResult struct
- Add SharedLinkFileInfo struct
- Add PathOrLink union
- Add ThumbnailV2Arg struct
- Change UnlockFileArg's path type to WritePathOrId
- Change LockFileArg's path type to WritePathOrId

Shared Links Namespace:
- Fix Typo

Team Groups Namespace:
- Add add_creator_as_owner to GroupCreateArg struct
- Update comments for async_job_id on GroupMembersChangeResult struct

Team Legal Holds Namespace:
- Add exporting to LegalHoldStatus union
- Add invactive_legal_hold to LegalHoldsListHeldRevisionsError union
- Add legal_hold_policy_not_found to LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError union
- Add MembersInfo struct
- Add LegalHoldsError union
- mark legal_holds/export_policy to deprecated
- mark legal_holds/export_policy_job_status/check to deprecated
- Change LegalHoldPolicy's members type to MembersInfo
- Update LegalHoldPolicy's examples
- Update LegalHoldsPolicyCreateError to extend LegalHoldsError
- Update LegalHoldsGetPolicyError to extend LegalHoldsError
- Update LegalHoldsListPoliciesError to extend LegalHoldsError
- Update LegalHoldsPolicyUpdateError to extend LegalHoldsError

Team Log Namespace:
- Remove lifespan comment

Team Log Generated Namesapce:
- Add team_invite_details to ActionDetails union
- Add optional has_linked_apps to JoinTeamDetails struct
- Add optional has_linked_devices to JoinTeamDetails struct
- Add optional has_linkeD_shared_folders to JoinTeamDetails struct
- Update comments in JoinTeamDetails struct
- Update JoinTeamDetails struct examples
- Update LegalHoldsExportAHoldDetails struct examples
- Update PaperContentRemoveFromFolderDetails target_asset_index to be optional
- Update PaperContentRemoveFromFolderDetails parent_asset_index to be optional
- Add shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAddExpirationDetails struct
- Update SharedLinkSettingAddExpirationDetails struct examples
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAddPasswordDetails struct
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadDisabledDetails struct
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsAllowDownloadEnabledDetails struct
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsChangeAudienceDetails struct
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsChangeExpirationDetails struct
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsChangePasswordDetails struct
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsRemoveExpirationDetails struct
- Add optional shared_content_link to SharedLinkSettingsRemovePasswordDetails struct
- Add file_locking_status_changed_details to EventDetails union
- Add rewind_folder_details to EventDetails union
- Add legal_holds_export_cancelled_details to EventDetails union
- Add legal_holds_export_downloaded_details to EventDetails union
- Add legal_holds_export_removed_details to EventDetails union
- Add create_team_invite_link_details to EventDetails union
- Add delete_team_invite_link_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_add_page_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_add_section_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_remove_page_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_remove_section_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_rename_page_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_rename_section_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_reorder_page_details to EventDetails union
- Add binder_reorder_section_details to EventDetails union
- Add rewind_policy_changed_details to EventDetails union
- Add team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed_details to EventDetails union
- Add web_sessions_change_active_session_limit_details to EventDetails union
- Add enterprise_settings_locking_details to EventDetails union
- Add file_locking_lock_status_changed to EventType union
- Add rewind_folder to EventType union
- Add legal_holds_export_cancelled to EventType union
- Add legal_holds_export_downloaded to EventType union
- Add legal_holds_export_removed to EventType union
- Add create_team_invite_link to EventType union
- Add delete_team_invite_link to EventType union
- Add binder_add_page to EventType union
- Add binder_add_section to EventType union
- Add binder_remove_page to EventType union
- Add binder_remove_section to EventType union
- Add binder_rename_page to EventType union
- Add binder_rename_section to EventType union
- Add binder_reorder_page to EventType union
- Add binder_reorder_section to EventType union
- Add rewind_policy_changed to EventType union
- Add team_sharing_whitelist_subjects_changed to EventType union
- Add web_sessions_change_active_session_limit to EventType union
- Add enterprise_settings_locking to EventType union
- Add TeamInviteDetails struct
- Add InviteMethod union
- Add LockStatus union
- Add RewindPolicy union
- Add FileLockingLockStatusChangedDetails struct
- Add RewindFolderDetails struct
- Add LegalHoldsExportCancelledDetails struct
- Add LegalHoldsExportDownloadedDetails struct
- Add LegalHoldsExportRemovedDetails struct
- Add CreateTeamInviteLinkDetails struct
- Add DeleteTeamInviteLinkDetails struct
- Add BinderAddPageDetails struct
- Add BinderAddSectionDetails struct
- Add BinderRemovePageDetails struct
- Add BinderRemoveSectionDetails struct
- Add BinderRenamePageDetails struct
- Add BinderRenameSectionDetails struct
- Add BinderReorderPageDetails struct
- Add BinderReorderSectionDetails struct
- Add RewindPolicyChangedDetails struct
- Add TeamSharingWhitelistSubjectsChangedDetails struct
- Add WebSessionsChangeActiviteSessionLimitDetails struct
- Add EnterpriseSettingsLockingDetails struct
- Add FileLockingLockStatusChangedType struct
- Add RewindFolderType struct
- Add LegalHoldsExportCancelledType struct
- Add LegalHoldsExportDownloadedType struct
- Add LegalHoldsExportRemovedType struct
- Add CreateTeamInviteLinkType struct
- Add DeleteTeamInviteLinkType struct
- Add BinderAddPageType struct
- Add BinderAddSectionType struct
- Add BinderRemovePageType struct
- Add BinderRemoveSectionType struct
- Add BinderRenamePageType struct
- Add BinderRenameSectionType struct
- Add BinderReorderPageType struct
- Add BinderReorderSectionType struct
- Add RewindPolicyChangedType struct
- Add TeamSharingWhitelistSubjectsChangedType struct
- Add WebSessionsChangeActiveSessionLimitType struct
- Add EnterpriseSettingsLockingType struct

Users Namespace:
- Add file_locking to UserFeature union
- Add file_locking to UserFeatureValue
- Update example for UserFeaturesGetaluesBatchArg
- Add FileLockingValue union

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