pypi django-components 0.116

latest releases: 0.122, 0.121, 0.120...
16 days ago

⚠️ Attention ⚠️ - Please hold off updating to v0.110 and later until v0.117 is out if you are using HTML fragments, AlpineJS, or use heavily use JS scripts. Please see #791 and #789 and #818.

What's Changed


  • Fix the order of execution of JS scripts:

    • Scripts in Component.Media.js are executed in the order they are defined
    • Scripts in Component.js are executed AFTER Media.js scripts
  • Fix compatibility with AlpineJS

    • Scripts in Component.Media.js are now again inserted as <script> tags
    • By default, Component.Media.js are inserted as synchronous <script> tags,
      so the AlpineJS components registered in the Media.js scripts will now again
      run BEFORE the core AlpineJS script.

    AlpineJS can be configured like so:

    Option 1 - AlpineJS loaded in <head> with defer attribute:

        {% component_css_dependencies %}
        <script defer src=""></script>
        {% component 'my_alpine_component' / %}
        {% component_js_dependencies %}

    Option 2 - AlpineJS loaded in <body> AFTER {% component_js_depenencies %}:

            {% component_css_dependencies %}
            {% component 'my_alpine_component' / %}
            {% component_js_dependencies %}
            <script src=""></script>

Full Changelog: 0.115...0.116

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