pypi ddtrace 1.15.0rc1

latest releases: 3.0.0rc3, 2.19.4, 2.21.0...
20 months ago

New Features

  • pyramid: Adds http.route tag to pyramid.request spans.
  • data_streams: Add data streams core integration and instrument the confluent Kafka library with it. For more information, check out the docs,
  • dynamic instrumentation: Added support for span decoration probes.

Bug Fixes

  • ASM: This fix resolves an issue where the WAF rule file specified by DD_APPSEC_RULES was wrongly updated and modified by remote config.
  • celery: Resolves an issue where hostname tags were not set in spans generated by celery>4.0.
  • django: Resolves an issue where the resource name of django.request span did not contain the full name of a view when DD_DJANGO_USE_HANDLER_RESOURCE_FORMAT=True. This issue impacts django>=4.0.
  • CI Visibility: This fix resolves the compatibility for Gitlab 16.0 deprecated urls
  • openai: Resolves an issue where using an array of tokens or an array of token arrays for the Embeddings endpoint caused an AttributeError.
  • profiling: Fixed an issue with gunicorn and gevent workers that occasionally caused an AttributeError exception to be raised on profiler start-up.
  • psycopg: Fixes ValueError raised when dsn connection strings are parsed. This was fixed in ddtrace v1.9.0 and was re-introduced in v1.13.0.
  • gunicorn: This fix ensures ddtrace threads do not block the master process from spawning workers when DD_TRACE_DEBUG=true. This issue impacts gunicorn applications using gevent and python<=3.6.

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