pypi dagster-slack 0.13.0

latest releases: 0.14.3, 0.14.3rc0, 0.14.2...
2 years ago

0.13.0 "Get the Party Started"

Major Changes

  • The job, op, and graph APIs now represent the stable core of the system, and replace pipelines, solids, composite solids, modes, and presets as Dagster’s core abstractions. All of Dagster’s documentation - tutorials, examples, table of contents - is in terms of these new core APIs. Pipelines, modes, presets, solids, and composite solids are still supported, but are now considered “Legacy APIs”. We will maintain backcompatibility with the legacy APIs for some time, however, we believe the new APIs represent an elegant foundation for Dagster going forward. As time goes on, we will be adding new features that only apply to the new core. All in all, the new APIs provide increased clarity - they unify related concepts, make testing more lightweight, and simplify operational workflows in Dagit. For comprehensive instructions on how to transition to the new APIs, refer to the migration guide.
  • Dagit has received a complete makeover. This includes a refresh to the color palette and general design patterns, as well as functional changes that make common Dagit workflows more elegant. These changes are designed to go hand in hand with the new set of core APIs to represent a stable core for the system going forward.
  • You no longer have to pass a context object around to do basic logging. Many updates have been made to our logging system to make it more compatible with the python logging module. You can now capture logs produced by standard python loggers, set a global python log level, and set python log handlers that will be applied to every log message emitted from the Dagster framework. Check out the docs here!
  • The Dagit “playground” has been re-named into the Dagit “launchpad”. This reflects a vision of the tool closer to how our users actually interact with it - not just a testing/development tool, but also as a first-class starting point for many one-off workflows.
  • Introduced a new integration with Microsoft Teams, which includes a connection resource and support for sending messages to Microsoft Teams. See details in the API Docs (thanks @iswariyam!).
  • Intermediate storages, which were deprecated in 0.10.0, have now been removed. Refer to the “Deprecation: Intermediate Storage” section of the 0.10.0 release notes for how to use IOManagers instead.
  • The pipeline-level event types in the run log have been renamed so that the PIPELINE prefix has been replaced with RUN. For example, the PIPELINE_START event is now the RUN_START event.

New since 0.12.15

  • Addition of get_dagster_logger function, which creates a python loggers whose output messages will be captured and converted into Dagster log messages.

Community Contributions

  • The run_config attribute is now available on ops/solids built using the build_op_context or build_solid_context functions. Thanks @jiafi!
  • Limit configuration of applyLimitPerUniqueValue in k8s environments. Thanks @cvb!
  • Fix for a solid’s return statement in the intro tutorial. Thanks @dbready!
  • Fix for a bug with output keys in the s3_pickle_io_manager. Thanks @jiafi!

Breaking Changes

  • We have renamed a lot of our GraphQL Types to reflect our emphasis on the new job/op/graph APIs. We have made the existing types backwards compatible so that GraphQL fragments should still work. However, if you are making custom GraphQL requests to your Dagit webserver, you may need to change your code to handle the new types.
  • We have paired our GraphQL changes with changes to our Python GraphQL client. If you have upgraded the version of your Dagit instance, you will most likely also want to upgrade the version of your Python GraphQL client.


  • Solid, op, pipeline, job, and graph descriptions that are inferred from docstrings now have leading whitespaces stripped out.
  • Improvements to how we cache and store step keys should speed up dynamic workflows with many dynamic outputs significantly.
  • The asset catalog is now paginated, which should result in better initial load times.


  • Fixed a bug where kwargs could not be used to set the context when directly invoking a solid. IE my_solid(context=context_obj).
  • Fixed a bug where celery-k8s config did not work in the None case:


  • Removed the lakehouse library, whose functionality is subsumed by @asset and build_assets_job in Dagster core.


  • Removed the trigger_pipeline example, which was not referenced in docs.
  • dagster-mlflow APIs have been added to API docs.

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