pypi dagster-slack 0.12.15

latest releases: 0.14.3, 0.14.3rc0, 0.14.2...
2 years ago


Community Contributions

  • You can now configure credentials for the GCSComputeLogManager using a string or environment variable instead of passing a path to a credentials file. Thanks @silentsokolov!
  • Fixed a bug in the dagster-dbt integration that caused the DBT RPC solids not to retry when they received errors from the server. Thanks @cdchan!
  • Improved helm schema for the QueuedRunCoordinator config. Thanks @cvb!


  • Fixed a bug where dagster instance migrate would run out of memory when migrating over long run histories.


  • Fixed broken links in the Dagit workspace table view for the experimental software-defined assets feature.

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