pypi dagster-slack 0.12.12

latest releases: 0.14.3, 0.14.3rc0, 0.14.2...
2 years ago


Community Contributions

  • [dagster-msteams] Introduced a new integration with Microsoft Teams, which includes a connection resource and support for sending messages to Microsoft Teams. See details in the API Docs (thanks @iswariyam!).
  • Fixed a mistake in the sensors docs (thanks @vitorbaptista)!


  • Fixed a bug that caused run status sensors to sometimes repeatedly fire alerts.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the emr_pyspark_step_launcher to fail when stderr included non-Log4J-formatted lines.
  • Fixed a bug that caused applyPerUniqueValue config on the QueuedRunCoordinator to fail Helm schema validation.
  • [dagster-shell] Fixed an issue where a failure while executing a shell command sometimes didn’t raise a clear explanation for the failure.


  • Added experimental @asset decorator and build_assets_job APIs to construct asset-based jobs, along with Dagit support.
  • Added load_assets_from_dbt_project and load_assets_from_dbt_manifest, which enable constructing asset-based jobs from DBT models.

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