pypi dagster-slack 0.11.3

latest releases: 0.14.3, 0.14.3rc0, 0.14.2...
3 years ago

Breaking Change

  • Schedules and sensors that target a pipeline_name that is not present in the current repository will now error out when the repository is created.


  • Assets are now included in Dagit global search. The search bar has also been moved to the top of the app.
  • [helm] generatePostgresqlPasswordSecret toggle was added to allow the Helm chart to reference an external secret containing the Postgresql password (thanks @PenguinToast !)
  • [helm] The Dagster Helm chart is now hosted on Artifact Hub.
  • [helm] The workspace can now be specified under dagit.workspace, which can be useful if you are managing your user deployments in a separate Helm release.


  • In Dagit, toggling schedules and sensors on or off will now immediately update the green dot in the left navigation, without requiring a refresh.
  • When evaluating dict values in run_config targeting Permissive / dict config schemas, the ordering is now preserved.
  • Integer values for greater than 32 bits no longer cause dagit errors.
  • PresetDefinition.with_additional_config no longer errors if the base config was empty (thanks @esztermarton !)
  • Fixed limitation on gRPC message size when evaluating run requests for sensors, schedules, and backfills. Previously, a gRPC error would be thrown with status code StatusCode.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED for a large number of run requests, especially when the requested run configs were large.
  • Changed backfill job status to reflect the number of successful runs against the number of partitions requested instead of the number of runs requested. Normally these two numbers are the same, but they can differ if a pipeline run initiated by the backfill job is re-executed manually.


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