pypi crowdstrike-falconpy 0.7.1
Version 0.7.1

latest releases: 1.4.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.2...
2 years ago

FalconPy v0.7.1

This update migrates additional service classes over to the new pattern (revision 4). It also resolves a usage issue by providing new custom user-agent functionality.

  • Enhancement
  • Bug fixes
  • Updated unit tests
  • Documentation

Unit test coverage

Name                                                             Stmts   Miss  Cover
src/falconpy/                                            59      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                            6      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                 107      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                         1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                         1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                          1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                   1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                   1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                             1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                 1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                          1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                           1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                       1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                         1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                     1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                       1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                 1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                       1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                     1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                            1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                       1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                      1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                     1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                  1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                             1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                      1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                    1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                       1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                       1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                        1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                  1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                                     1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                         1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                         1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                            1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                         1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                           1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                    1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/              1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                 1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                           1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/                     1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/                       20      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/                     1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/            1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/            1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/            1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/                            1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/                           1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/             1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/       1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/              1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_endpoint/deprecated/              1      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                                   11      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                                   10      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                                   62      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                                30      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                                       23      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                                  50      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                         19      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                                     67      0   100%
src/falconpy/_payload/                      24      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                              8      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                      58      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                              187      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                            10      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                        96      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                   38      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                   76      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                          68      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                    36      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                             28      0   100%
src/falconpy/                             49      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                       15      0   100%
src/falconpy/                           54      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                     7      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                     56      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                 60      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                   50      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                          55      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                               65      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                  8      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                           25      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                 37      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                               63      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                      32      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                                 44      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                                38      0   100%
src/falconpy/                               40      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                            49      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                       34      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                                93      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                              49      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                 23      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                   59      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                          45      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                          26      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                  82      0   100%
src/falconpy/                            50      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                               97      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                   16      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                   42      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                      24      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                   12      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                     32      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                99      0   100%
src/falconpy/                        32      0   100%
src/falconpy/                           21      0   100%
src/falconpy/                                     69      0   100%
src/falconpy/                               12      0   100%
TOTAL                                                             2810      0   100%

Bandit analysis

[main]	INFO	running on Python 3.9.7
Run started:2021-10-11 08:18:16.139035

Test results:
	No issues identified.

Code scanned:
	Total lines of code: 26150
	Total lines skipped (#nosec): 0

Run metrics:
	Total issues (by severity):
		Undefined: 0.0
		Low: 0.0
		Medium: 0.0
		High: 0.0
	Total issues (by confidence):
		Undefined: 0.0
		Low: 0.0
		Medium: 0.0
		High: 0.0
Files skipped (0):

Added features and functionality

  • Updated: Service Class Refactoring (Rev 4)
    • Provides: Body Payload Abstraction - Abstracted BODY payload parameters for all methods using PATCH, POST or PUT requests into keywords. Legacy usage pattern of passing the BODY payload directly as the body keyword is still supported.
    • Provides: PEP-257 formatting of all docstrings.
    • - Closes #361
    • - Closes #359
    • - Closes #363
    • - Closes #360
    • - Closes #364
    • - Closes #366
    • - Closes #368
    • - Closes #367
  • Added: Class aliases for Sensor Update Policies and Prevention Policies service collections to provide classes that align to plural naming convention.

Issues resolved

  • Fixed: Hard-coded user-agent header for all requests. Moving forward, developers may specify a custom string to be used as the User-Agent header for all requests. Closes #365.
    from falconpy import Hosts
    falcon = Hosts(client_id="CLIENT_ID_HERE",
    result = falcon.query_devices_by_filter_scroll()

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