pypi apache-airflow 2.1.1
Apache Airflow 2.1.1

latest releases: 2.9.2, 2.9.2rc1, 2.9.1...
3 years ago

Bug Fixes

  • Don't crash attempting to mask secrets in dict with non-string keys (#16601)
  • Always install sphinx_airflow_theme from PyPI (#16594)
  • Remove limitation for elasticsearch library (#16553)
  • Adding extra requirements for build and runtime of the PROD image. (#16170)
  • Cattrs 1.7.0 released by the end of May 2021 break lineage usage (#16173)
  • Removes unnecessary packages from setup_requires (#16139)
  • Pins docutils to <0.17 until breaking behaviour is fixed (#16133)
  • Improvements for Docker Image docs (#14843)
  • Ensure that dag_run.conf is a dict (#15057)
  • Fix CLI connections import and migrate logic from secrets to Connection model (#15425)
  • Fix Dag Details start date bug (#16206)
  • Fix DAG run state not updated while DAG is paused (#16343)
  • Allow null value for operator field in task_instance schema(REST API) (#16516)
  • Avoid recursion going too deep when redacting logs (#16491)
  • Backfill: Don't create a DagRun if no tasks match task regex (#16461)
  • Tree View UI for larger DAGs & more consistent spacing in Tree View (#16522)
  • Correctly handle None returns from Query.scalar() (#16345)
  • Adding only_active parameter to /dags endpoint (#14306)
  • Don't show stale Serialized DAGs if they are deleted in DB (#16368)
  • Make REST API List DAGs endpoint consistent with UI/CLI behaviour (#16318)
  • Support remote logging in elasticsearch with filebeat 7 (#14625)
  • Queue tasks with higher priority and earlier execution_date first. (#15210)
  • Make task ID on legend have enough width and width of line chart to be 100%. (#15915)
  • Fix normalize-url vulnerability (#16375)
  • Validate retries value on init for better errors (#16415)
  • add num_runs query param for tree refresh (#16437)
  • Fix templated default/example values in config ref docs (#16442)
  • Add passphrase and private_key to default sensitive field names (#16392)
  • Fix tasks in an infinite slots pool were never scheduled (#15247)
  • Fix Orphaned tasks stuck in CeleryExecutor as running (#16550)
  • Don't fail to log if we can't redact something (#16118)
  • Set max tree width to 1200 pixels (#16067)
  • Fill the "job_id" field for airflow task run without --local/--raw for KubeExecutor (#16108)
  • Fixes problem where conf variable was used before initialization (#16088)
  • Fix apply defaults for task decorator (#16085)
  • Parse recently modified files even if just parsed (#16075)
  • Ensure that we don't try to mask empty string in logs (#16057)
  • Don't die when masking log.exception when there is no exception (#16047)
  • Restores apply_defaults import in base_sensor_operator (#16040)
  • Fix auto-refresh in tree view When webserver ui is not in / (#16018)
  • Fix dag.clear() to set multiple dags to running when necessary (#15382)
  • Fix Celery executor getting stuck randomly because of reset_signals in multiprocessing (#15989)

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