- add void volume and flow rate to Cytiva Unicorn adapter (#880)
- Bio-Rad CFX Maestro - update release state to recommended (#879)
- AppBio QuantStudio Design & Analysis - add back reference fields as custom data processing info (#878)
- improve calcdoc library implementation (#874)
- Agilent Gen5 - Add unread data to ASM (#870)
- Bio-Rad CFX Maestro - Add unread data to ASM (#850)
- Luminex xPONENT - add descriptive error for Minimum bead count setting (#865)
- Plate Reader REC 2024/06 - add custom data to fluorescence measurement type (#886)
- Luminex xPONENT - map settings from different source, add error document for Nan values (#868)
- Agilent TapeStation Analysis - add missing calculated data from RNA tag (#866)
- Luminex xPONENT - do not throw an error if an optional value is missing in the input file (#867)
- Unchained Labs Lunatic - handle different cases for column headers (#863)