pypi accelerate 0.14.0
v0.14.0: Megatron-LM integration and support for PyTorch 1.13

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19 months ago

Megatron LM integration

Accelerate now supports Megatron-LM for the three model classes (BERT, GPT-2 and T5). You can learn more in the documentation.

  • Megatron-LM integration by @pacman100 in #667
  • ensure megatron is 2.2.0+ by @jeffra in #755
  • updating docs to use fork of megatron-lm and minor example/docs fix by @pacman100 in #766
  • adding support to return logits and generate for Megatron-LM GPT models by @pacman100 in #819

PyTorch 1.13 support

Fixes a bug that returned SIGKILL errors on Windows.

Kaggle support with the notebook_launcher

With Kaggle now giving instances with two T4 GPUs, Accelerate can leverage this to do multi-gpu training from the notebook

What's new?

Significant community contributions

The following contributors have made significant changes to the library over the last release:

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