pypi Shapely 1.8.0
Shapely 1.8.0

latest releases: 2.0.5, 2.0.4, 2.0.3...
2 years ago

Shapely 1.8.0 is a transitional version. There are a few bug fixes and new features, but it largely exists to warn about the upcoming changes in 2.0.0. See the new migration guide for more details on how to update your code from Shapely 1.8 to 2.0.

Python version support

Shapely 1.8.0 supports only Python versions >= 3.6. The release is compatible with GEOS versions 3.6-3.10.


The following functions and geometry attributes and methods will be removed in version 2.0.0.

  • ops.cascaded_union
  • BaseGeometry.empty
  • BaseGeometry.ctypes and __array_interface__
  • multi-part geometry __len__
  • setting custom attributes on geometry objects
  • BaseGeometry.almost_exact

Deprecation warnings will be emitted in 1.8.0 when any of these features are used.

The deprecated to_wkb and to_wkt methods of BaseGeometry have been removed.

New features

  • The STRtree nearest* methods now take an optional argument that specifies exclusion of the input geometry from results (#1115).
  • A GeometryTypeError has been added to shapely.errors and is consistently raised instead of TypeError or ValueError as in version 1.7. For backwards compatibility, the new exception will derive from TypeError and Value error until version 2.0 (#1099).
  • The STRtree class constructor now takes an optional second argument, a sequence of objects to be stored in the tree. If not provided, the sequence indices of the geometries will be stored, as before (#1112).
  • The STRtree class has new query_geoms, query_items, nearest_geom, and nearest_item methods (#1112). The query and nearest methods remain as aliases for query_geoms and nearest_geom.
  • A normalize method has been added to geometry classes, exposing the GEOSNormalize algorithm (#1090).
  • STRtree instances have a new default capacity of 10 items per node (#1070).
  • The new shapely.ops.voronoi_diagram computes the Voronoi Diagram of a geometry or geometry collection (#833, #851).
  • shapely.validation.make_valid fixes invalid geometries (#883).


The 1.8.0 wheels uploaded to PyPI include GEOS 3.9.1.

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