pypi PlexAPI 4.15.0

latest releases: 4.15.13, 4.15.12, 4.15.11...
10 months ago

Breaking Changes

#1129 - Update MyPlexAccount to use Plex API v2
#1133 - Update MyPlexResource to use Plex API v2
#1170 - Remove optional title argument from PhotoSection.searchAlbums() and PhotoSection.searchPhotos()
#1185 - Create separate PlexHistory objects
#1198 - Remove support for Python 3.7

Bug Fixes

#1169 - Change server continue watching endpoint
#1182 - Check object is instance of PlexPartialObject for __eq__ comparison

New Features

#1184 - Add LibrarySection methods to multi-edit items
#1186 - Add score and tagKey attribute to hub search results
#1187 - Add config option to disable auto-reloading
#1190 - Add SubtitleStream attributes for on-demand subtitles
#1191 - Add search kwargs to LibrarySection.get()


#1164 - Update PyPI workflow to use trusted publishing
#1166 - Set Sphinx language to en
#1171 - Add job dependency and environment to pypi workflow
#1192 - Add music library language to bootstrap test server
#1195 - Fix MyPlexAccount tests
#1196 - Fix movie edition tests

Thanks to new contributor @fabricionaweb.

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