pypi PennyLane-qiskit 0.14.0
Release 0.14.0

latest releases: 0.22.0, 0.21.0, 0.20.0...
3 years ago

Bug fixes

  • With the release of Qiskit 0.23.3 gate parameters cannot be arrays. The device now converts arrays to lists. (#126)

  • When parsing the IBMQ token and the IBMQ URL, the values passed as keywords take precedence over environment variables. (#121)

  • When loading Qiskit circuits to PennyLane templates using load in, parameters with requires_grad=False are bound to the circuit. The old version bound objects that were not PennyLane Variable's, but that object class is now deprecated. (#127)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Christina Lee, Antal Szava

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