packagist verbb/comments 1.8.8

latest releases: dev-craft-5, dev-craft-4, 3.0.0...
2 years ago


  • Add ./craft comments/base/set-structure console command for fixing comments that have lost their original structure.


  • Update status colours to Craft standard.
  • Ensure reply and edit forms generate unique IDs, when an id attribute is set on the DOM element for a comment. (thanks @adrienne).


  • Fix userAgent column in comments not having their default set to null.
  • Fix incompatibility with Blitz and CSRF token refreshing.
  • Fix CSRF token being added to form submissions twice.
  • Fix Craft 2 migration and commentDate error.
  • Fix error when trying to send author notification emails for comments made on assets.
  • Fix showCustomFields deprecation warning.

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