packagist symfony/webpack-encore-bundle v2.0.0
WebpackEncoreBundle 2.0: Removal of deprecations

latest releases: 2.x-dev, v2.1.1, v2.1.0...
11 months ago

Hi Webpackers!

This release is identical to 1.17.0 except that it removes deprecated code.

Version 2.0 also requires PHP 8.1 or higher and Symfony 5.4 or higher.

Recipe Upgrade Note

If you're using symfony/flex, when you upgrade your symfony/webpack-encore-bundle recipe to the 2.0 version, it may try to remove certain files like assets/controllers.json or assets/bootstrap.js. You should ignore these changes and restore the files. This happens because these files moved from the recipe for symfony/webpack-encore-bundle to symfony/stimulus-bundle. To the update system, it looks like the files are being removed.

Diff: v1.17.0...v2.0.0

Happy packing!

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