packagist symfony/validator v6.2.0-BETA1

latest releases: 7.3.x-dev, 7.2.x-dev, 7.1.x-dev...
2 years ago

Changelog (v6.1.6...v6.2.0-BETA1)

  • feature #47872 new email validation option to match with w3c official specification (guillemfondin)
  • feature #47710 File: add option to check extension (dunglas)
  • feature #47734 add the getCause() to the ConstraintViolationInterface (xabbuh)
  • feature #47525 Add UuidV7 and UuidV8 (nicolas-grekas)
  • feature #42593 Add the When constraint and validator (wuchen90)
  • feature #46599 Add "negate" option to Expression constraint (fmata)
  • feature #46518 deprecate the loose e-mail validation mode (xabbuh)
  • feature #45977 Add the match option to the Choice constraint (fancyweb)

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