packagist symfony/security-bundle v5.4.0-BETA1

latest releases: 7.3.x-dev, 7.2.x-dev, 7.1.x-dev...
3 years ago

Changelog (v5.3.10...v5.4.0-BETA1)

  • feature #42471 Add generic types to traversable implementations (derrabus)
  • feature #43598 add suggestions for debug commands: firewall, form, messenger, router (IonBazan)
  • feature #43835 Deprecate not configuring explicitly a provider for custom_authenticators when there is more than one registered provider (lyrixx)
  • feature #42177 Implement ADM strategies as dedicated classes (derrabus)
  • feature #43804 Deprecate Composer 1 (derrabus)
  • feature #41993 Prevent FormLoginAuthenticator from responding to requests that should be handled by JsonLoginAuthenticator (abunch)
  • feature #42582 Add authenticators info to the profiler (chalasr)
  • feature #43236 Add alias for FirewallMapInterface to (lyrixx)
  • feature #42800 Display the roles of the logged-in user in the Web Debug Toolbar (NicoHaase)
  • feature #42650 make TokenInterface::getUser() nullable to tell about unauthenticated tokens (nicolas-grekas)
  • feature #42516 Deprecate built-in authentication entry points (wouterj)
  • feature #42510 Deprecate remaining anonymous checks (wouterj)
  • feature #42423 Deprecate AnonymousToken, non-UserInterface users, and token credentials (wouterj)
  • feature #42420 Deprecate legacy signatures (wouterj)
  • feature #41754 Create a smooth upgrade path for security factories (wouterj)
  • feature #42050 Deprecate TokenInterface::isAuthenticated() (chalasr)
  • feature #41965 Deprecate "always authenticate" and "exception on no token" (wouterj)
  • feature #41874 Hide security toolbar if no firewall matched (wouterj)

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