packagist symfony/maker-bundle v1.60.0
Types, Enums, & Bugs...

latest release: dev-main
23 days ago

Howdy Makers!

We've improved type support in the generated templates to help keep static analysis tools happy, make:entity now supports enums, relaxed ASCII character validation for entity names, & much more.

For MakerBundle Dev's:

  • composer tools:upgrade - Upgrade all of the tools/ dependencies.
  • composer tools:run - Run php-cs-fixer, phpstan, & twigcs against the code base.
  • tools:run:php-cs-fixer - Run just php-cs-fixer. Works with phpstan & twigcs as well.



June 10th, 2024



  • #1496 [make:entity] confirm to allow non-ascii char's in entity names - @Fan2Shrek
  • #1533 make:security:form-login] fix remember me label - @jrushlow
  • #1535 [make:entity] Update ux-turbo package name to have proper suggestion - @nfragnet
  • #1559 [make:entity] fix indentation in broadcast_twig_template.tpl.php - @seb-jean
  • #1569 Fix generated twig file location - @IndraGunawan

New Contributors

Diff: v1.59.1...v1.60.0

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