packagist symfony/maker-bundle v1.46.0
Make a Twig Component and a few other tweaks...

latest releases: dev-main, v1.59.1, v1.59.0...
20 months ago

Howdy Makers!

For all of the UX fans out there, and I'm sure that's everyone, we've added a new make:twig-component! Hooray!!! Compatibility with API Platform v3 has been fixed & we've hoped to reduce confusion by renaming the add() repository method to save() when dealing with entities in make:crud.

Thank you to all the contributors for the bugs that have been squashed and the new features that have been delivered!


September 23rd, 2022


  • #1204 - [make:crud] use save instead of add repository methods - @jrushlow
  • #1202 - [reset-password] use higher level "options" in ChangePasswordFormType.tpl.php - @seb-jean
  • #1019 - Add make:twig-component maker - @kbond


Diff: v1.45.0...v1.46.0


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