packagist symfony/http-foundation v6.1.0-BETA1

latest releases: 6.4.x-dev, 7.3.x-dev, 7.2.x-dev...
2 years ago

Changelog (v6.0.7...v6.1.0-BETA1)

  • feature #45092 Send Content-Length when calling Response::send() and the content is a non-empty string (nicolas-grekas)
  • feature #45873 Allow dynamic session "ttl" when using a remote storage (nicolas-grekas)
  • feature #45377 Bump minimum version of PHP to 8.1 (nicolas-grekas)
  • feature #45166 add stale while revalidate cache header (remieuronews)
  • feature #44543 Update cookie date time format (chapterjason)

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