packagist symfony/form v6.2.0-BETA1

latest releases: 7.3.x-dev, 7.2.x-dev, 7.1.x-dev...
2 years ago

Changelog (v6.1.6...v6.2.0-BETA1)

  • feature #46224 Add hash_property_path option to PasswordType (Seb33300)
  • feature #38996 Remove the default values from setters with a nullable parameter (derrabus, nicolas-grekas)
  • feature #47050 Allow TranslatableInterface to the FormType help option (alamirault)
  • feature #46946 ChoiceType choices must support TranslatableInterface (alamirault)
  • feature #46813 Provide string keys when iterating on a form (VincentLanglet)

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