packagist stripe/stripe-php v14.9.0

latest releases: dev-latest-codegen-beta, v15.2.0-beta.1, dev-beta...
one month ago
  • #1702 Update generated code
    • Add support for new values issuing_personalization_design.activated, issuing_personalization_design.deactivated, issuing_personalization_design.rejected, and issuing_personalization_design.updated on enum Event.type
  • #1701 Added PHPDocs for create, update, delete, all, retrieve methods after moving them out of traits.
  • #1700 Add optional appInfo to StripeClient config
    • StripeClient can now accept $appInfo as a $config option, so AppInfo can be set per-client. If not passed in, will fall back on the global AppInfo set by Stripe::setAppInfo().
      • The config expects $appInfo to be of type array{name: string, version?: string, url?: string, partner_id?: string}

See the changelog for more details.

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